====== Syntax Highlighting for ACME and Notepad++ ====== By Strykker 00; 01 02 03 04 $ a b c d e f << <<< >> >>> != == >= <= = * / & | ^ % + - . DIV MOD NOT AND OR XOR ! { } adc and asl clc cop cld cli clv cmp cpx cpy dec dex dey dcp eor inc inx iny isc lda ldx ldy lsr lax mvn mvp nop ora pha pea pei per phb phd phk plb pld phx phy plx ply php pla plp rol rep ror rla rra sbc sep stz sec sed sei sta stx sty slo sre sax tax tcd tcs tdc tsc txy tyx trb tsb tay tsx txa txs tya wdm x xba xce bcc brl bra bcs beq bit bmi bne bpl brk bvc bvs jmp jml jsl jsr rti rtl rts stp wai !08 !by !byte !8 !16 !wo !word !24 !32 !fill !fi !convtab !ct !text !tx !pet !raw !scr !scrxor !to !source !src !binary !bin !sl !zone !zn !if !ifdef !for !set !do !endoffile !eof !macro !initmem !pseudopc !align !cpu !al !as !rl !rs !warn !error !serious else