ROL Starfield using $D018

By Richard Bayliss

While I was programming a game called Hyper Duel. I wanted to do a simple star field. So I followed a note on one of the disks which had an example of the star field, and tried to implement one of my own. Here is the final result.

;The ROL Star Field animation by Richard/TND (From Hyper Duel)

                                        !to "starfield",cbm
starcontrol = $0340

                                        * = $0810 ;SYS2064 to start

                        jsr $ff81
                        lda #$00
                        sta $d020
                        sta $d021
;Draw starfield to screen $0400
                        ldx #$00
.copyscreen       lda stardata,x
                        sta $0400,x
                        lda stardata+$100,x
                        sta $0500,x
                        lda stardata+$200,x
                        sta $0600,x
                        lda stardata+$2e8,x
                        sta $06e8,x
                        lda #$0f ;Light grey stars for now
                        sta $d800,x
                        sta $d900,x
                        sta $da00,x
                        sta $dae8,x
                        bne .copyscreen

                        lda #<.irq
                        sta $0314
                        lda #>.irq
                        sta $0315
                        lda #$7f
                        sta $dc0d
                        lda #$31
                        sta $d012
                        lda #$1b
                        sta $d011
                        lda #$08
                        sta $d016
                        lda #$1c ;Char at $3000
                        sta $d018
                        lda #$01
                        sta $d01a ;Interrupt is on!
                        jmp *   ;Continuous loop to itself!

.irq                   inc $d019 ;$D019 interrupt on
                        lda #$fc   ;Raster position 252
                        sta $d012
                        jsr .starfield
                        jmp $ea7e

;Star field source:

.starfield      inc .starcontrol
         lda .starcontrol
         cmp #$03
         beq .doscroll
.doscroll      lda #0
         sta .starcontrol
         ldx #0
         jsr .starscroll
         jsr .starscroll
         ldx #1
         jsr .starscroll
         ldx #2
         jsr .starscroll
         jsr .starscroll
         jsr .starscroll
         ldx #3
         jsr .starscroll
         ldx #4
         jsr .starscroll
         jsr .starscroll
         jsr .starscroll
         ldx #5
         jsr .starscroll
         jsr .starscroll
         ldx #6
         jsr .starscroll
         ldx #7
         jsr .starscroll
         jsr .starscroll
.starscroll      lda $3220,x
         rol $3208,x
         rol $3210,x
         rol $3218,x
         rol $3220,x
         sta $3208,x

;The starfield char data here. Hell yeah!
;That's what we want :o)

                  * = $3200
                  ;Shift + * (Blank it)
                  !byte %00000000 ;Weird eh? Those are for the stars
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  ;Shift + A
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00100000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %01000000
                  ;Shift + B
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00010000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000100
                  !byte %00000000
                  ;Shift + C
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %01000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00001000
                  !byte %00000000
                  ;Shift + D
                  !byte %00000010
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00010000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000
                  !byte %00000000      

;Now for the screen data

!byte 0,0,0,0,00,0