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REU registers

By Marko Mäkelä — (Marko.Makela@HUT.FI)


The MOS 8726 REC (RAM Expansion Controller) is used in the Commodore REUs (RAM Expansion Units), which are DMA-based external memory expansions for the Commodore 64 and the Commodore 128. They were available as 128kB, 256kB and 512kB expansions, but you can expand them theoretically up to 16 MB by adding extra banking bits. There are instructions that tell you how to upgrade your REU to 2 megabytes.

The REC has 5 connected register selection lines, although it only has 11 registers. The unconnected registers return $FF upon reading. The REU is located normally at $DF00. As it has 5 register selection lines, the REU actually shows up at $DF00-$DF0A, $DF20-$DF2A, $DF40-$DF4A and so on, up to $DFE0-$DFEA.

Address	Bits	Function
0		Status register - read only
	7	Interrupt Pending (1=interrupt waiting to be serviced)
	6	End of Block (1=transfer complete)
	5	Fault (1=block verify error)
	4	Size (tells if a jumper is cut in the REU)
	3-0	Version number (0 on the REU I tested)
	Note: Bits 7-5 are cleared when this register is read.

The bit 4 only tells if a jumper is cut in the REU. Do not count on it, measure the REU size with a program instead.

Other registers are R/W:

1		Command Register
	7	Execute (1=initiate transfer per current config)
	6	reserved (returns 0 upon reading)
	5	Load (1=enable AUTOLOAD option)
	4	FF00 (1=disable FF00 decode)
	3-2	reserved (0 upon reading)
	1-0	Transfer type:	00=C64->REU

AUTOLOAD: When you select this option, the C64 base address registers, the expansion memory base address registers (including bank) and the byte counter registers at the end of a transfer are automatically reloaded. This is useful if one operation is to be executed repeatedly on one particular block of data. Note that if AUTOLOAD is selected in verify mode, the address where the verify error occurred is lost. Ordinarily, upon finding a verify error, the REC halts the DMA cycle and both address registers and the bank register point to one location above the address that failed.

FF00 decode means that the REU won't begin the transfer right away after the execute bit is set, it will wait for a write access to $FF00. The FF00 option is cleared each time it is used.

If you like obfuscated code, here's a nice trick to use with FF00 decode: Start the transfer with a read-modify-write instruction, like “inc $ff00”. As you should know, RMW instructions in NMOS 65xx series microprocessors first write unmodified data, then modified. So, an RMW instruction does two writes, and the REU will start the transfer already on the first write. It asserts the DMA signal, thus tri-stating the processor's address and data bus and the R/-W signal. As you should also know, NMOS processors don't stop during writes. So, the processor will try to write the modified data back to $FF00, but it can't, as its bus is disabled. So, the $FF00 data will effectively remain the same.

2	7-0	C64 start address (LSB)
3	7-0	C64 start address (MSB)

(address overflow is not detected; it will continue from $0000)

4	7-0	REU start address (LSB)
5	7-0	REU start address (More SB)
6	2-0	REU start address (most significant bits)

Editor's note: This is referred as bank; however it is like start address, because if a 64kB “bank” boundary is crossed, the bank will be incremented. Note that the maximum amount of memory is 2^19 bytes=512 kB. The upper bits of this register are unused, so if someone cloned the chip, it could address up to 2^24 bytes=16 MB. You can achieve this with an external latch, too. Actually, there is an expansion that uses this trick.

7	7-0	Transfer length (LSB) ($0000=64 kB)
8	7-0	Transfer length (MSB)

9		Interrupt Mask Register
	7	Interrupt enable (1=interrupts enabled)
	6	End of Block mask (1=interrupt on end of block)
	5	Verify error (1=interrupt on verify error)
	4-0	unused (1 upon reading)

Editor's note: The interrupt capability is useless, as the processor won't run anything during the transfer process. It just initiates the transfer, waits for it to be completed, and continues executing the program. Thus, the interrupt would occur right after the transfer command in the program.

Note: If the interrupts are used, you have to read the status register (0) at least once between successive transfers for proper operation.

A	7-6	Address Control Register
		00=increment both addresses
		01=fix expansion address
		10=fix C64 address
		11=fix both addresses
	5-0	unused (1 upon reading)

Editor's note: The mode 10, fix C64 address, could be used to play digitized music or to digitize it. No other applications come to my mind. And the sampling frequency is a bit too high, about 1 MHz. You can transfer only 64kB per request, so it would last less than 0,0665 seconds.)

Some notes

Under normal operation (no Autoload, with address increment), both address registers point to the next sequential memory location outside the selected transfer range at the end of the transfer. This is true for any mode and applies to both base (and bank) address pointers except one that is held fixed. Also note that under normal operation, the byte counter decrements to the value 1. Care should be taken, therefore, to check the transfer complete byte counter value to indicate an end to the transfer condition. A byte counter of 0 results in a transfer of a full 64 kB. Again, wrapping occurs in all modes of operation.

The REC switches itself out of the host memory space during the transfers. If you try to read any REC registers with its own DMA, the byte will be read from open address space.

The usage of the 2 MHz mode on the Commodore 128 does not affect on the REU transfer speed, which is 1 byte per 1 MHz clock cycle. Also comparisons take one clock cycle per compared byte, and the comparison will stop immediately when a difference is encountered. The swapping function takes two clock cycles per byte. The transfer pauses immediately when the Bus Available (BA) line goes low, and the transfer will begin on the clock cycle following the write to $df01 or $ff00.

The 2 MHz mode is not too safe to use with the REU transfers. The processor may fetch wrong opcode right after the transfer. This is typical for the 2 MHz mode, since you should not use it either when switching between the 8502 and the Z80 processors.

When using the Autoload option, the REC register values will be copied from the last written values before the transfer. Suppose that you initialize the REC registers, and then perform one or more transfers, the last transfer being without Autoload. If you then issue a transfer with Autoload, the current values of address registers (that you can read with the processor) will not be used. Instead, the Autoload initializes the source and target addresses and the transfer length to the values you specified when writing to the registers.

Initial configuration

The initial configuration after RESET is as follows:

Reg	Value	Meaning
0	$10	Status Register
		 No bits set except Size (which can be reset as well)
1	$10	Command Register
		 Bit 4: disable FF00 decode
2	$00	C64 start address, LSB
3	$00	C64 start address, MSB
4	$00	REU start address, LSB
5	$00	REU start address, more SB
6	$f8	REU start address, MSB
7	$ff	Transfer length, LSB ($ffff=65535 bytes)
8	$ff	Transfer length, MSB
9	$1f	Interrupt Mask Register
		 No interrupts enabled.
A	$3f	Address Control Register
		 Increment both addresses
base/reu_registers.txt · Last modified: 2015-07-26 12:58 by ftc