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This article deals with a very sophisticated issue: programming the FlashROM. You will need thorough understanding of how the chip works. All of the code provided is commented well, but you still have to know what you are doing. You won't physically destroy your ROM chip or the cart, though.

The code originates from my FMEEPROMPP utility. The ordinal numbers and byte codes refer to the FlashROM command sequence steps. PA and PD stand for the address and data to be programmed. All of this is explained in the FlashROM data sheet.

Regarding flashing the chip, read especially the programming algorithm section and also see the waveform tables for timing information. This code appears to work, but especially the programming routine gets so complicated, there may be errors, so take care!

You can find the print routine in string manipulation routines.

; Retro Replay FlashROM operating routines by FMan/Tropyx

; these are stripped-down example routines to program
; data of arbitrary length at arbitrary ROM location,
; and perform Block Erase and Chip Erase operations

; WARNING! These routines, as they are presented here,
; have not been tested! To use them, provide a main
; program that does the initialization specified and
; accommodate the given code to suit your needs, or better
; yet: fully understand how it works and write your own!

	BANK0 = 0
	BANK1 = 8
	BANK2 = $10
	BANK3 = $18
	BANK4 = $80
	BANK5 = $88
	BANK6 = $90
	BANK7 = $98

	SECCFG = $42	; $DE01 base value
	A16BIT = $20	; value for A16 in $DE01

	tempa = $80	; temporary variable definitions in
	tempb = $81	; zero-page area used by BASIC and
	tempc = $82	; free for us in an MC program

	addrlo = $58	; beginning of data to flash
	addrhi = $59
	maxlo = $5a	; end address in C64's RAM
	maxhi = $5b
	secsel = $5e	; currently selected bank

	srclo = $60	; used internally by the
	srchi = $61	; programming routine
	dstlo = $62
	dsthi = $63
	buflo = $64	; buffer used by the
	bufhi = $65	; programming routine

; subroutine that sends the beginning of a Command sequence

RRCmd	sei			; note that this routines disales
	lda #$13		; interrupts but does not enable
	sta $de00		; them (operation is unfinished)
	lda #$aa
	sta $9555		; 1st: 555 - AA
	ldx #$b
	stx $de00
	sta $8aaa		; 2nd: 2AA - 55
	lda #$13
	sta $de00
	sty $9555		; 3rd: 555 - input reg Y
	lda #3
	sta $de00

; this is a table containing $DE01 values for all 16 ROM windows


; this routine will correctly handle wrapping over RR ROM banks
; when address $A000 is reached, to program the FlashROM starting
; from any address and proceeding to do so per custom length

; before calling this routine, set addr and max accordingly,
; set dsthi and dstlo to the starting address in the range of
; $8000-$9FFF inside the currently selected ROM window, and
; to select the correct ROM bank out of the 16 possible 8K
; ones, preset the secsel variable that is used as an index
; to the bank configuration value table above to select them

Program	jsr RRReset		; reset the ROM for safety
	lda addrlo		; copy starting address of data
	sta srclo		; to program in the C64's RAM
	lda addrhi
	sta srchi
	lda #11
	sta $d011		; turn screen off
	ldx secsel
	lda bank,x
	sta tempa		; current bank byte
	stx tempc		; bank index
Progk	lda #$36		; switch BASIC off, to be able
	sta 1			; to load data from RAM under it
	ldy #0
Progh	lda (srclo),y		; copy a pageful of data to the
	sta (buflo),y		; buffer (initialize it to $600)
	bne Progh
	lda #$37
	sta 1
Proga	ldy #$a0		; 3rd: 555 - A0
	jsr RRCmd
	lda tempa
	sta $de01
	ldy #0
	lda (buflo),y
	sta (dstlo),y		; 4th: PA - PD
	and #$80
	sta tempb		; store bit 7 for comparison
Progb	lda (dstlo),y
	and #$80		; see if memory reads bit 7
	cmp tempb
	beq Progc		; Program operation finished
	and #$20		; check error bit
	beq Progb
	lda #0
	sta $de00
	lda #<errstr
	sta dst
	lda #>errstr
	bne Progd		; unconditional - error msg
Progc	lda srchi
	cmp maxhi
	bne Progj
	lda buflo
	cmp maxlo
	beq Progf
Progj	inc dstlo		; increment destination address
	bne Proge
	inc dsthi
	lda dsthi
	cmp #$a0
	bne Proge
	lda #$80		; next bank
	sta dsthi
	ldx tempc
	lda bank,x
	sta tempa
	stx tempc
Proge	inc buflo		; increment source address
	bne Proga
	inc srchi
	bne Progk		; unconditional
Progf	lda #32
	ldx #0
Progg	sta $600,x		; clean up screen (buffer page)
	bne Progg
Done	lda #0
	sta $de00
	lda #<donestr		; print "Done"
	sta dst
	lda #>donestr
Progd	sta dst+1
	jsr print		; bring in this and dst definition
	lda #27
	sta $d011		; screen back on

; this routine sends a Read/Reset command to the FlashROM

RRReset	ldy #$f0		; 3rd: F0 - and this is enough
	jsr RRCmd
	lda #2			; set the cart to off state
	sta $de00

; this routine performs a Block Erase operation on one of the eight
; 16K internal blocks of which the M29F010B chip's 128K is made

; select a 8K ROM window that falls within the desired 16K region
; to be erased - for example, if you have ROM bank 10 or 11 selected,
; both will result in the ROM region $14000-17FFF to be erased

; if you wish to change the operation of the routine so that
; the secsel variable is interpreted to directly stand for the
; 16K FlashROM block, uncomment the included asl instruction

BErase	ldy #$80		; 3rd: 555 - 80
	jsr RRCmd
	stx $de01
	lda #$aa
	sta $9555		; 4th: 555 - AA
	sty $de01
	sta $8aaa		; 5th: 2AA - 55
	lda secsel
;	asl			; see note above
	lda bank,x		; set bank corresponding with
	sta $de01		; currently selected ROM window
	lda #$30
	sta $8000		; 6th: BA - 30
BErasea	ldx #80
BErased	dex			; wait for a little while
	bpl BErased
BEraseb	lda $8000		; wait for Erase to finish
	and #$a0
	beq BEraseb
	bmi Done
BErasec	inc $d020		; chip failure
	jmp BErasec

; this routine performs Chip Erase - something discouraged by Jens,
; but useful if you know you are going to be flashing the entire ROM

CErase	ldy #$80		; 3rd: 555 - 80
	jsr RRCmd
	stx $de01
	lda #$aa
	sta $9555		; 4th: 555 - AA
	sty $de01
	sta $8aaa		; 5th: 2AA - 55
	stx $de01
	lda #$10
	sta $9555		; 6th: 555 - 10
	bne BErasea

errstr	!pet 13,"programming error! aborted. ",0
donestr	!pet 13,"done! ",0
base/rr_flashing.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:33 by