TinyMidi Source Code:
;--------------------------------------------- ;TinyMIDI (c) GRG/SHAPE 2007 ;--------------------------------------------- ;This program was made for the Sequential (SCI) Interface. ;It will play the notes you press on your midi keyboard ;with the sid chip. _MIDIReset = %00000011 ;Same for all interfaces _MIDI16CountDiv = %00010101 ;1mhz interfaces: 16 divider _MIDI64CountDIv = %00010110 ;2mhz interfaces: 64 divider _IRQMIDI16 = %10010101 ;1mhz interfaces: IRQ enabled _IRQMIDI64 = %10010110 ;2mhz interfaces: IRQ enabled ;Sequential registers MIDI_ControlReg = $de00 MIDI_StatusReg = $de02 MIDI_Tx = $de01 MIDI_Rx = $de03 ;Adjust hardrestart to 2 for Attack Values 1-F. HARDRESTART = 1 ;1 or 2 buffnotes = $2000 ;All MIDI notes are buffered here * = $0801 .byte $0b,$08,$d7,$07 .byte $9e .text "2061" .byte 0,0,0 lda #<message ldy #>message jsr $ab1e sei lda #$35 sta $01 lda #$03 sta MIDI_ControlReg ;Reset Midi interface lda #$95 sta MIDI_ControlReg ;Enable Midi IRQ & Clock 16 jsr init_soundplayer lda #<hwirq sta $0314 lda #>hwirq sta $0315 lda #<irq sta $fffe lda #>irq sta $ffff lda #<nmi sta $fffa sta $0318 lda #>nmi sta $fffb sta $0319 lda #$01 ;Irq on sta $d01a lda #$fb sta $d012 lda $d011 and #$7f sta $d011 lda #$7f sta $dc0d bit $dc0d cli keyloop inc $01 ;36 jsr $ffe4 dec $01 ;35 cmp #0 beq keyloop jmp keyloop midinote .byte 0 ;0-127 ncount .byte 0 ;max 127 (max keys on keyboard) countby .byte 0 ;count bytes in buffer (0-255) mibcount .byte 0 ;Midi byte count (0-255) ;--------------------------------------------------- *= (*+$ff)&$ff00 ;Start the following code on a page ;--------------------------------------------------- ;MIDI IRQ: i80_noteoff1 sta midinote lda #<i80_noteoff2 jmp setexirq i80_noteoff2 ldx mibcount lda midinote ora #$80 sta buffnotes,x inc mibcount inc ncount lda #<i80_noteoff1 jmp setexirq i90_noteon1 sta midinote lda #<i90_noteon2 jmp setexirq i90_noteon2 beq i90_noteoff lda #0 .byte $2c i90_noteoff lda #$80 ldx mibcount ora midinote sta buffnotes,x inc mibcount inc ncount lda #<i90_noteon2 jmp setexirq ;-------- Unused routines here iC0_programchange1 iA0_aftertouch1 iD0_channelpress1 iB0_cwheel1 iE0_cwheel1 lda #<exirq jmp setexirq ;------- STATUS fetch get_statb and #$f0 ;Allow all Midi channels cmp #$e0 beq stpwheel cmp #$b0 beq stcwheel cmp #$90 beq stnoteon cmp #$80 beq stnoteoff cmp #$d0 beq stchpress cmp #$a0 beq statouch cmp #$c0 beq stprchange lda #<exirq .byte $2c stprchange lda #<iC0_programchange1 .byte $2c statouch lda #<iA0_aftertouch1 .byte $2c stchpress lda #<iD0_channelpress1 .byte $2c stnoteoff lda #<i80_noteoff1 .byte $2c stnoteon lda #<i90_noteon1 .byte $2c stcwheel lda #<iB0_cwheel1 .byte $2c stpwheel lda #<iE0_cwheel1 setexirq sta mjump+1 exirq lda #0 sta $d020 pla tay pla tax pla rti irmid pha txa pha tya pha hwirmid dec $d020 lda MIDI_StatusReg bpl exirq ;0-7f ;bit parity ;$70 ;beq parok ;jmp error parok and #%00000001 beq error setMidi_Rx lda MIDI_Rx bmi get_statb mjump jmp exirq error inc $d021 ;endless error jmp error parity .byte %01110000 ;parity error,receiver overrun,framing error irq bit $d019 ;FFFE/FFFF IRQ bpl irmid ;Check if MIDI made this irq pha txa pha tya pha jmp d019clear hwirq bit $d019 ;0314/0315 IRQ bpl hwirmid ;Check if MIDI made this irq d019clear lda #1 sta $d019 cli ;Make sure more Midi irq's can happen lda #5 sta $d020 jsr sound_init jsr sound_play lda #0 sta $d020 lda $01 pha lda #$37 sta $01 jsr $ea87 ;C64 Keyboard scan lda $dc0d pla sta $01 pla tay pla tax pla nmi rti ;--------------------- sound_init sei ;Must set SEI - midi irq must not interrupt this part. ;Quickly copy data you need into the sound player data ;if this routine is slow you will loose midi data sinit lda ncount ;More bytes left in buffer ? beq nonote ldy countby lda buffnotes,y bmi noteoff1 keyset jsr set_concate inc countby dec ncount jmp sinit noteoff1 and #$7f keyclear jsr clear_concate inc countby dec ncount jmp sinit nonote cli ;CLI - MIDI irq can now occur again rts set_concate ldx chan ;Concate sta note,x lda #HARDRESTART ;1or2 sta hreset,x inx cpx #3 bne rer ldx #0 rer stx chan rts clear_concate sta tempnot2+1 ldx #2 tempnot2 lda #0 cmp note,x bne found2 lda #$fe sta gate,x ;Gate off sta hreset,x found2 dex bpl tempnot2 rts ;--------- Reset buffer counters and sid chip init_soundplayer lda #0 sta ncount sta countby sta mibcount ldx #$17 ressid sta $d400,x dex bpl ressid rts ;---------- 3 voice music player ;TinySDI Player (c) GRG/SHAPE 2007 sound_play ldx #2 mloop stx savx+1 ldy sidvoice,x lda hreset,x bmi next_sid ;FF pha cmp #HARDRESTART ;1or2 bne nn lda #1 sta $d406,y ;ADSR high lda #$0f sta $d405,y lda #$fe sta gate,x ;Gate off nn dec hreset,x pla bne next_sid lda #$ff sta gate,x sta hreset,x lda note,x sta note2,x lda #$01 sta $d405,y ;AD lda #$da sta $d406,y ;SR next_sid lda note2,x tax lda freqlo,x sta $d400,y lda freqhi,x sta $d401,y ldx savx+1 lda #$21 and gate,x sta $d404,y savx ldx #0 dex bpl mloop lda #$0f sta $d418 rts chan .byte 0 note .byte 0,0,0 note2 .byte 0,0,0 hreset .byte $ff,$ff,$ff gate .byte $fe,$fe,$fe sidvoice .byte 0,7,14 ;PAL tuned frequence table: freqlo .byte $16,$27,$39,$4b,$5f,$74 .byte $8a,$a1,$ba,$d4,$f0,$0e .byte $2d,$4e,$71,$96,$be,$e7 .byte $14,$42,$74,$a9,$e0,$1b .byte $5a,$9c,$e2,$2d,$7b,$cf .byte $27,$85,$e8,$51,$c1,$37 .byte $b4,$38,$c4,$59,$f7,$9d .byte $4e,$0a,$d0,$a2,$81,$6d .byte $67,$70,$89,$b2,$ed,$3b .byte $9c,$13,$a0,$45,$02,$da .byte $ce,$e0,$11,$64,$da,$76 .byte $39,$26,$40,$89,$04,$b4 .byte $9c,$c0,$23,$c8,$b4,$eb .byte $72,$4c,$80,$12,$08,$68 .byte $39,$80,$45,$90,$68,$d6 .byte $e3,$99,$00,$24,$10,$ff freqhi .byte $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01 .byte $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$02 .byte $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02 .byte $03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$04 .byte $04,$04,$04,$05,$05,$05 .byte $06,$06,$06,$07,$07,$08 .byte $08,$09,$09,$0a,$0a,$0b .byte $0c,$0d,$0d,$0e,$0f,$10 .byte $11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$17 .byte $18,$1a,$1b,$1d,$1f,$20 .byte $22,$24,$27,$29,$2b,$2e .byte $31,$34,$37,$3a,$3e,$41 .byte $45,$49,$4e,$52,$57,$5c .byte $62,$68,$6e,$75,$7c,$83 .byte $8b,$93,$9c,$a5,$af,$b9 .byte $c4,$d0,$dd,$ea,$f8,$ff message .byte $93,$05 .text "tinymidi by grg/shape" .byte 0
base/tinymidi.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:34 by